Partnering for Eternity

The Partnering for Eternity (PFE) Program makes Christian education more affordable by offering scholarships to students when they visit individually matched mentors, providing $30 per visit. Students, along with a parent, visit a mentor weekly to build a relationship. Students help around the house and complete fun projects with their mentor. As students build generational bridges and learn the value of service, they also benefit from the wisdom and mentorship of older adults. In the process, their time together helps finance the student’s Christian education.

Student Participant Requirements

  • Commitment to visit a mentor once a week for one hour
  • Parent attendance with the student at each visit
  • Desire to serve, grow, and build a friendship with a mentor
  • Willingness to learn from a mentorship

How does it work?

  • Choose a mentor such as a church member, neighbor, or family friend (no relatives).
  • Visit this mentor for one hour, once a week.
  • Submit reflections about the visit online.
  • Receive tuition grant of $30 for each one-hour visit. The scholarship may cover up to a quarter of the student’s tuition when visits are faithfully completed.